Stock Market Blog -Sep 21st

The market roller coaster continues, with an 'up' leg this week. No real effects from the Fed, the Scotland vote, or triple witch Options expiration. We are approaching the end of the quarter and I expect the rally will hold up through that time.

Gold and Oil continue to drop, along with other commodities (Grains especially!).

FDX popped on earnings
BABA, the biggest IPO ever, popped after opening.
TLT popped on Friday

New all time highs:      AMGN, ABT, AVGO, BIDU, DFS, GMCR, GLNG, INTU, JNJ, JPM, HD, ITMN, LMT, LUV, LOW, MAR, MMM, PEP, VRTX, WFC, etc.
All time lows:   ANGI,  ANR, ARCO, WLT,
Pops:     DD, X    Drops:  PIR
Next week:  Economic reports,  
Earnings:     AZO, BBBY, MU, NKE

This week's charts:
S&P 500 -Topping?
10yr Interest Rates
Labor Force Participation Rate (10 year chart)

Commodities/Futures (charts):
Crude Oil was down again, closing just over $92 -holding under $100!
Natural Gas was mostly unchanged, closing near 3.84
Gold was down again, closing at $1215 -still heading for 1200!
The 30 year Bond was up, closing near 136-25
The US Dollar was up, closing near 84.90

What will make stocks go even higher?
Jim Cramer's 'Mad Money' Recap: My Game Plan for Next Week

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