Stock Market update -Sep 27th

The market was down this week, maybe looking to hit the lows of August. NKE popped after announcing great earnings. CAT dropped after reducing sales forecasts and announcing huge layoffs. IBB saw a big drop also. We could see the indexes going back to the Aug 24 flash crash lows so be careful.

New all time highs:    ATVI,  CUBE
All time lows:    ABEV, BSBR, EC, NWSA,  
Pops     NKE     Drops:      CAT  

Next week:  Economic reports,   
This week's charts:

S&P 500 -topped! 
CBOE VIX -still elevated
10yr Interest Rates -undecided
Labor Force Participation Rate (10 year chart)

Commodities/Futures (charts):
Natural Gas dropped a bit, closing near 2.55
Crude Oil was mostly unchanged, closing near 45.34
Gold was up, closing near 1145 -still holding above $1100
The 30 year Bond was up a bit, closing near 155.62  -could be going to 160?
The US Dollar was up a bit,  closing near 96.43

Economic data this week to reflect impact of market turmoil
IBB biotech fund posts largest weekly drop in 7 years
'Fast Money' Recap: Nike Shows China's Consumers Are Still Buying
4 Tarnished Gold-Mining Stocks Now Too Cheap to Ignore


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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BobieRabo said...

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Anonymous said...

It is used for treating skin texture by improving the thickness of the skin epidermis and circulation.

Anonymous said...

When you begin a core program, it is crucial to first build a strong basis of balance. if you attention on Tvolve stability first, you will make more upgrades in electricity and speed. The Plank is a extremely good middle stabilization workout. Tip #8: train for strength 2nd as soon as you've got an excellent base of stability, shift to building strength. energy sporting activities mission your abdominal and back muscle tissues through a big range of motion.For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Testo Vital There are variety of remedies to restore the level of testosterone for regular well being of person. Testo Vital number one deficiency is caused with malfunctioning of testicles, whilst the secondary motive is incorrect secretion of the pituitary gland. some other Testo Vital purpose of low testosterone stage is diabetes. physical modifications in addition to laboratory checking out is taken into consideration through the medical doctor for sporting out any diagnosis of the problem, regarding testosterone. Testosterone remedy is therefore advocated in diverse forms in step with the patient's scientific records and characteristics.For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

Maximize Your Muscle is Juggernox the brand new muscle constructing software by Vince Del Monte. here is a brief summary of what you get followed by a evaluation.Vince Del Monte is the author of the internet's exceptional-promoting muscle constructing software, NoNonsense Muscle building. This software has helped thousands of novices remodel their our bodies in a count of weeks. For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

when the new manner of residing ExoSlim and eating turns into the norm, then you'll by no means again want to head on a eating regimen.The entire key to any attempt at weight reduction of any amount is getting started out. No want to go hog wild and put into effect all of those suggestions straight away. instead select a couple that you feel you could reasonably take care of and get them down first.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonymous said...

Use sufficient amount of water to T Volve maintain yourself hydrated at some stage in the days of severe workouts. take into account water is the best supply to keep away from dehydration. other gentle beverages and juices containing plenty of sugar will pressure you advantage weight. greater than 8 glasses of water an afternoon are advocated.For more ==== >>>>>>

Unknown said...

Miles essential to consume meals Xtreme Fit 360 and meals with carbohydrates after your workout and on your relaxation days. this will help you to rebuild and grow your muscle tissue quicker. The reason for that is that eating carbohydrates reasons the production of insulin to your body which in flip slows down the price at which your frame breaks down proteins. Even something as simple as a banana or a peanut butter sandwich will help.For more ==== >>>>>>

Anonymous said...

In case you would love to build muscle Max Gain Xplode tissues and feature large muscular tissues, you need to focus on three primary exercises in an effort to build mass, boom conditioning, and growth electricity. these physical activities are the squat, bench press, and deadlift. these are vital for your weight-training routine in a few shape or any other.For more ==== >>>>>>

Circutrine Male Enhancement said...

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guyjowan said...

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